List of products by brand InlinePlastics

InlinePlastics containers come with the built-in protection afforded by the Safe-T-Gard tear strip lock. This lock virtually assures that the container you've purchased hasn't been opened since the product was packed. The Safe-T-Gard tear strip lock is user friendly and after removing it, the container stays intact and closes easily after you've enjoyed a portion of your favorite goodies. Perfect for fresh cut fruit, deli and bakery packaging.

InlinePlastics containers come with the built-in protection afforded by the Safe-T-Gard tear strip lock. This lock virtually assures that the container you've purchased hasn't been opened since the product was packed. The Safe-T-Gard tear strip lock is user friendly and after removing it, the container stays intact and closes easily after you've enjoyed a portion of your favorite goodies. Perfect for fresh cut fruit, deli and bakery packaging.

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